The Kerala Short Film Festival will offer a celebration of Film, with live screenings of local and international independent Film of incredible quality. Film categories include documentaries, short films, animated films, music videos, commercials and student productions from around the world. What will filmmakers experience? Keeping the event truly international, the Kerala Short Film Festival will feature high quality press opportunities, networking occasions, industry participation, discussion forum and workshops.
Kerala Short Film Festival started with the idea of building and promoting a healthy film culture in Kerala. The aim of the KSFF is to give movie lovers in the city access to global cinema and to stimulate cultural exchange. With discussions, lectures and debates on varied topics related to crafts, instill an academic flavor in the festival. Through categories such as International Competition, Malayalam Indian Competition, Student Competition, it presents quality films from various countries and cultures. An acclaimed jury decides the film awards in the competitive sections.
The Kerala Short Film Festival is the only festival that gives international recognition to short films in the local language.